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Valerie Clay
4 min read
Live Food VS Dead Food
The first time I heard this term I immediately thought it was referring to being on a vegetarian diet. However, after a bit of research,...
Valerie Clay
7 min read
The Keto Diet for Beginners
I started my keto journey in 2018. Before that, I was using intermittent fasting techniques to lose weight (which is the bomb, yo!). I...
Valerie Clay
5 min read
The Lie About Carbs
Carbs are bad for you is an all-inclusive statement that is causing people to go off the chain with senseless and extremely low-carb...
Valerie Clay
5 min read
How to Stop Stress Eating
Ultimately, we are tempted to stress eat because our hormones react to certain negative lifestyle factors and choices. Stress is the main...
Valerie Clay
3 min read
Dieting the Healthy Way
My goal is to give you the most accurate and reliable information possible. I do a lot of research so that I don't steer anyone wrong....
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